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i just finished playing it and i loved it!  great art and i like the ambience (i didnt notice that the demo didnt have audio so i was always kinda on edge waiting for a sudden noise so that was cool)^^

something i would like to say that can be useful is to have a note indicating the buttons you can use for the game, maybe in the same game page (i just struggled with them at first but nothing bad, i was just a bit desoriented). 

a full screenmode would be nice but it still a nice experience in window mode.

i'll be excited to check more updates as they come out!!

how do i go full screen

The minimized window was intended as an artist choice but after some comments Im planning on making it full screen in the next release


i like the game alot

Thank you chef, I like the cat a lot


lovely little experience, very charming visuals and cute art! im looking forward to seeing more from this. though, i do have some things id like to say. luckily i only encountered one bug in my playthrough, when uncrouching under the box to the keycard i could get stuck in it. if i crouched again, i got out just fine. i just thought i should point that out

now, my main "issues". of course, things will be polished and such as development continues, but i think its important to point out some problems i had since i really do look forward to this continuing and seeing what comes of it

first, sound. this one is obvious, but it made things feel a little... off. the chase sequence confused me at first, because i didnt really feel much agency. and, of course, everything else just felt a little plain without sound. 

next, the keycards and doors. its a little confusing how theres two blue and yellow keycards, that open up doors that arent blue and yellow. this seems like just and oversight, and i mostly got by just fine, but it was just a little confusing 

lastly, i think my only "big" issue is with this being called a demo. i feel its still a little too bare-bones to be called that, maybe "proof-of-concept" or "prototype" might be a little more fitting. this is more of a nitpick than anything, but i felt i should mention it

those were my thoughts, at least at the moment. once again, im really looking forward to more of this, i dig the visual style!! i just think it needs more polish and whatnot to really be called a demo. i hope i didnt come off as rude at all, i genuinely see great things coming of this!! it just needs a bit more time in the oven currently